June 25, 2019
We all know that crying is a normal part of being a baby. It’s how they communicate that something is not quite right (or perhaps very much not right). But sometimes, this crying reaches the next level. It’s up to parents to figure out what the problem is — easier said than done. In many cases, these screams may be caused by the discomfort of gassiness.
Causes of Gas in Babies
Gas issues in babies can be caused by any one of a number of factors. Gas is often the result of swallowing too much air. This can happen when baby is crying or when they’re feeding. Bottle-fed babies are especially prone to swallowing air.
If your baby has infrequent bowel movements, they may be prone to lots of gas. It’s not uncommon for a few days to pass between poops in the early weeks of life. When this happens, there may be more gas that needs to escape than otherwise.
For breastfed babies, the mother’s diet can impact a baby’s gassiness. However, this is not as common as most people think, so it’s best to look at other possibilities first before cutting certain types of food out of mama’s diet. Gas in breastfed babies can also be caused by the forceful letdown of their mother, resulting in too much milk too fast.
Baby digestive problems and gas can also be caused by an immature digestive system. The simple remedy of time may be all that’s needed to resolve it. However, if your baby is more than just a bit uncomfortable, you’ll probably want to look at a more proactive approach.
Formula-fed babies can get gassy from the ingredients in the formula they’re fed. Have you ever looked at the ingredients in U.S.-manufactured baby formulas? Many contain ingredients like sugar and high fructose corn syrup. They also source their ingredients from farms that use pesticides and other chemicals. These aren’t ideal for tiny tummies (or any tummies, for that matter!).
Best Formula for Constipation and Gas in Babies
Regardless of why your baby has gas, if they’re formula-fed, the type of formula you feed them can make all the difference. The unhealthy ingredients like sugar and high fructose corn syrup that many American formula companies add to their products are strictly prohibited in Europe, which is one reason why many American parents are choosing European formulas to feed their little ones.
Countless parents can attest to the improvement their babies experienced when switching to
Lebenswert or
Holle formula. These organic German formulas are made using the highest quality of ingredients, which may be just what little bellies need to feel better.

If those two options don’t do the trick, HiPP is another German formula brand that makes a Combiotic formula and is one of the best formulas for gas with its added probiotics and prebiotics. HiPP also makes a special product line for babies with digestion problems called Special Comfort. Special Comfort formula is the best formula for gassy babies who are constipated and is available on our retail site. Its ingredients are specifically designed to help soften babies’ stools, making it much easier for them to pass.
Help alleviate gassiness by choosing an organic formula for gassy babies to feel better — which means their parents will feel better, too!
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