Once you place your order, our warehouse in Germany will pack and ship your order within 24 hours during business days (M-F). We ship all orders with Free Shipping we will process your order immediately during business hours in Germany and ship it with DHL who will deliver it via USPS to you usually in 8 - 12 business days. You will receive a tracking number as soon as it is shipped.
CAN I GET THE FORMULA FASTER? If you need formula faster than 3 or 4 business days, the best way to order is from our USA-based shop so that one of our 4 warehouses in the US (California, Texas, Illinois, and New Jersey) can ship your order - please visit
Yes, please contact us at
No - we specify that the shipments can not be irradiated by US customs.
Although extremely rare, sometimes US customs randomly stops shipments and may contact you to ensure that you are aware of what you ordered. The fastest way to get them to release it is to speak with them directly and inform them that the formula is for personal use for your baby, and that you are fully aware that the labeling is in German.
WHAT ARE LEBENSWERT, HOLLE, AND HIPP BABY FORMULAS?All of our organic baby formulas are made with 100% organic milk, produced under strict Bioland and Demeter guidelines. This means that all of the formulas are made out of milk from exclusively grass fed pasture raised cows on biodynamic farms. Lebenswert, Holle, and HiPP organic formulas are GMOs free, no chemical or synthetic fertilizers, antibiotics or hormones free and will provide your little one with only the best nutrients!
WHY IS THIS FORMULA BETTER THAN OTHER COMMON FORMULA?Lebenswert, Holle, and HiPP contain absolutely no preservatives, no added cane sugar nor coloring, it also does not include: fructose corn syrup, soy, gluten and artificial flavorings. Store bought baby formula in the US (even the organic type ) contain ingredients such as sweeteners like sugar or high-fructose corn syrup, and can even contain known carcinogens such as artificial preservatives, artificial flavors and artificial colors. Most milk-based formulas are produced by cows that are not fed an organic diet and that receive hormone and/or antibiotic treatments - all of which can be transferred to the formula and digested by babies.
WHY IS THIS NOT "USDA" CERTIFIED ORGANIC?Lebenswert Bio is made by the company Holle, which is based in Switzerland in the EU. Hipp is based in Germany and in Austria. The USDA regulates the "organic" label within the USA, but does not have jurisdiction in the EU. However, the EU has extremely strict regulations regarding organic labeling, and even more strict regulations for infant formula. Holle and HiPP go many steps beyond the EU regulations, to meet the "Bioland" and "Demeter" standards, which includes the use of biodynamic farming, humane treatment of animals, the use of sustainable energy, and CO2 neutral operations. This formula is literally the best in the world!
WHY CAN'T I FIND THIS AT A GROCERY STORE OR OTHER BIG STORE?As an EU product and brand, Holle and Hipp have mainly focused on selling their formula brands within the EU and they have not sought FDA approval yet.
WHAT DO THE DIFFERENT STAGES IN HIPP, LEBENSWERT AND HOLLE FORMULAS MEAN?Each stage is designed for a specific age range of your baby, to ensure it gets all the nutrients and vitamins it needs.
HOW DO I PREPARE FORMULA?Sterilize all items that will be used Boil clean water according to the link below (also provided with your order) Add 3/4 of the water into the clean, sterilized bottle Use the measuring spoon accordingly. Close the bottle and shake until mixture is dissolved. Add remaining water to the bottle and allow cool.