is brought to you by the same team that manages OrganicBabyFood.Shop in the USA. Our Wholesale site is designed for parents who would like to save the most amount of money on the best formulas in the world by buying in bulk quantities. We accomplish this by shipping directly to you from our warehouse in Germany and by doing so we are able to minimize costs and pass the savings on to you! We offer the lowest prices including free shipping anywhere for Lebenswert, Hipp and Holle bulk.
OrganicBabyFood.Shop was created by us, real parents, who invested countless hours searching for the right formula for our newborn. After studying the ingredient lists of many dozen formula boxes, we almost gave up hope and intended to settle for the "least bad" choices available in the US. This is when we found Lebenswert Organic Formula, containing only organic ingredients without any additives such as added sugar or artificial ingredients.
After more study we discovered that lots of parents had been raving about the standard of the formula, and the idea to create an online store to make the best organic formula available to parents in the US was born.
Organic Baby Food Shop supplies the greatest natural baby formulas right to parents in the United States, having shipped to tens of thousands of parents all over the country.
Our mission at Organic Baby food Shop and Organic Baby Food Wholesale is to offer simple and inexpensive access to the complete best organic formulas out there, helping infants receive wonderful nourishment and preventing them from consuming artificial additives that are found in most formulas on the market today.
Our wholesale team ships directly from our large office in Germany.